Get Involved

There are many ways to be involved with the Bowdoin Student Government:

PUBLIC COMMENT TIME: Firstly, if running in elections or applying for appointed positions isn't your thing, everyone is welcome at our BSG Assembly meetings every Wednesday at 8:30pm in Daggett Lounge, Thorne Hall – the first 15 minutes of each meeting are dedicated to Public Comment Time and we can extend that time if there is something pressing to talk about. You can also email any member of the Assembly or the Class Councils with any concerns you may have!

BECOMING A MEMBER: If you'd like to become a member, there are two concurrently meeting bodies that oversee the overall functioning of the BSG – the full BSG Assembly and the Class Councils:

1. General Assembly: 12 positions on the Assembly are decided through elections: you can run for an Executive Committee leadership position (President, Vice President, or one of the 6 chairs), or you can run for your Class Council President position, where you would sit on the Assembly in addition to the Class Council. There are also several appointed positions that you can apply for through an application process, and these positions represent different areas across campus. Watch your inbox at the beginning and end each academic year for campus-wide emails to find out when elections/appointments will happen! The Assembly meets every Wednesday night for about 2 hours. During these meetings, representatives update the Assembly on developments in their area and the Assembly discusses issues pertinent to the entire student body. Members are also responsible for weekly committee meetings (roughly an hour) and other time for committee initiatives – committees are assigned below.

2. Class Councils: Class Councils are elected by each class, consisting of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Programming Director, and a Communications Director is then appointed by the council. The Class Councils meet to plan events and programming on a weekly basis, and each position, with the exception of the appointed Community Outreach Officer, meet with a separate committee as well. In addition to their council work, the President sits on the General Assembly, the Vice President sits on the SOOC, the Treasurer sits on the SAFC, and the Programming Chair sits on the Entertainment Board. Elections for the new first-year class and returning Senior class are held in late September of each year. Rising Sophomores and Juniors run in the spring of their first and sophomore years respectively. Half-positions are available for Junior Class Vice President and Programming Director.