A talk by Andrew Rudalevige, Thomas Brackett Reed Professor of Government in the department of government and legal studies. The end of 2022 set the stage for an intriguing new year in American politics, with the midterm elections returning divided government to Washington even as they failed to produce a "red tsunami." What can we look forward to in 2023, in the presidency, Congress, and Court? All have a busy docket – if not necessarily one that will produce much in the way of substantive progress on the problems the United States faces. And with eyes already turning to 2024, how will the elderly men still at center stage of the political scene – Joe Biden and Donald Trump – manage their split screen? Bowdoin professor Andrew Rudalevige will set the scene and lead a discussion as we assess the state of the union now and to come. Sponsored by the Association of Bowdoin Friends. These talks are back to the lunch hour, arrive at noon with your bagged lunch, cookies, coffee, decaf, tea, and water provided. Lecture starts at 12:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Association of Bowdoin Friends.
Food Provided (cookies and refreshments provided.)