Thu, Apr 3, 2025

5 PM – 6 PM EDT (GMT-4)

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Roux, ROUX Lantern

Roux Center for the Environment


This roundtable asks how practices and vocabularies of self-care impact the curriculum, student life, and faculty work. What are the practical practices of self-care that we see on a daily basis in our institutions? Where do we see them? What work makes them possible? Why do you think self-care and care labor have become keywords of this contemporary conjuncture and how have liberal arts institutions (or higher ed generally) been instrumental in bringing about the phenomenon we are seeing?

Panelists include Aaron Hanlon, Associate Professor of English, affiliated faculty in the Science, Technology, and Society (STS) Department, Colby College; Rebecca Herzig, Johnson Professor in Interdisciplinary Studies, Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies, Bates College; Doris Santoro, Professor of Education, Bowdoin College; Natalie Turrin, Director of the Sexuality, Women, and Gender Center, Bowdoin College. Moderators are Keona Katrice Ervin, Associate Professor and Director, Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, Bowdoin College; and Jay Sosa, Associate Professor of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies, Bowdoin College.

“Self-Care and the Liberal Arts” is one of multiple encounters of the forming Self | Care | Labor Project. Organized by Keona Ervin and Jay Sosa in the Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Program at Bowdoin College, the project asks how self-care and care labor are two central aspects of contemporary economy, justice-frameworks, and social life that should be examined in tandem.

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